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Molins, P., JSrealB : Approche systématique pour la réalisation multilingue de textes, , 2015. pdfpdf
Molins, P., and G. Lapalme, "JSrealB: A bilingual text realizer for web programming", European Natural Language Generation 2015 workshop (ENLG 2015), 9/2015. pdf
Nie, J-Y., and W. Shen, "Flexible Concept Matching for Medical Information Retrieval", Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on: IEEE, 2015.
Shen, W., and J-Y. Nie, "Is Concept Mapping Useful for Biomedical Information Retrieval?", Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: Springer International Publishing, pp. 281–286, 2015.
Sordoni, A., M. Galley, M. Auli, C. Brockett, Y. Ji, M. Mitchell, J-Y. Nie, J. Gao, and B. Dolan, "A neural network approach to context-sensitive generation of conversational responses", arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.06714, 2015. pdf
Sordoni, A., Y. Bengio, H. Vahabi, C. Lioma, J. Grue Simonsen, and J-Y. Nie, "A Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder for Generative Context-Aware Query Suggestion", Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2015. pdf
Vaudry, P-L., and G. Lapalme, "Activity of Daily Living Anomaly Report Generation from Extracted Associations", European Conference on Natural Language Generation, Brighton, UK, sep, 2015.
Vaudry, P-L., and G. Lapalme, "Narrative Generation from Extracted Associations", Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Brighton, United Kingdom, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2015. pdf
Vaudry, P-L., and G. Lapalme, "Causal networks as the backbone for temporal data-to-text", First International Workshop on Data-to-Text Generation, 03/2015. pdf
Zhang, Z., J-Y. Nie, and H. Wang, "TJUdeM: A Combination Classifier for Aspect Category Detection and Sentiment Polarity Classification", SemEval-2015, pp. 772, 2015. pdf
Zhao, W. Xin, X. Zhang, D. Lemire, D. Shan, J-Y. Nie, H. Yan, and J-R. Wen, "A General SIMD-based Approach to Accelerating Compression Algorithms", ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 15, 2015.
Zhao, W. Xin, J. Wang, Y. He, J-Y. Nie, J-R. Wen, and X. Li, "Incorporating Social Role Theory into Topic Models for Social Media Content Analysis", Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 27: IEEE, pp. 1032–1044, 2015. pdf
Zock, M., G. Lapalme, and M. Yousfi-Monod, "Learn to Describe Objects the way ‘Ordinary’ People Do by Using Language Technology", Journal of Cognitive Science , vol. 16, issue 2, pp. 174-192, 06/2015. pdf
Zock, M., G. Lapalme, and L-J. Fang, "Become Fluent in a Foreign Language by Using an Improved Technological Version of an Outdated Method", Journal of Cognitive Science, vol. 16, issue 2, Seoul National University, Institute for Cognitive Science, pp. 151-173, 06/2015. pdf
Abdi, R., and G. Lapalme, "Représentation ontologique du LVF et son utilisation en traitement automatique de la langue", Actes des Ateliers TALN 2014 - Atelier FondamenTAL, Marseille, 06/2014. pdf
Bouchoucha, A., X. Liu, and J-Y. Nie, "Integrating Multiple Resources for Diversified Query Expansion", Advances in Information Retrieval, vol. 8416: Springer International Publishing, pp. 437-442, 2014.
Bouchoucha, A., J-Y. Nie, and X. Liu, "Université de Montréal at the NTCIR-11 IMine Task", Proceedings of the 11th NTCIR Conference, 12/2014. pdf
Brosseau-Villeneuve, B., J-Y. Nie, and N. Kando, "Latent word context model for information retrieval", Information retrieval, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 21–51, 2014.
Daoust, N., and G. Lapalme, "JSreal: A Text Realizer for Web Programming", Language Production, Cognition, and the Lexicon - a Festschrift in honor of Michael Zock, no. Text, Speech and Language Technology, Vol 48: Springer, pp. 363-378, 2014. pdf
Dridi, H E., "Détection automatique d'événements à partir de Twitter", Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle, vol. Ph.D., Montréal, Université de Montréal, 10/2014. pdfpdf
Farzindar, A., "Social Network Integration in Document Summarization ", Innovative Document Summarization Techniques: Revolutionizing Knowledge Understanding: IGI-Global, pp. 139-162, 2014.
Genest, P-E., and G. Lapalme, "ABSUM: a Knowledge-Based Abstractive Summarizer", RALI - internal report, pp. 34 pages, 09/2014. pdf
Gotti, F., P. Langlais, and A. Farzindar, "Hashtag Occurrences, Layout and Translation: A Corpus-driven Analysis of Tweets Published by the Canadian Government", Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), pp. 2254-2261, 05/2014. pdf
Gotti, F., and G. Lapalme, "Zodiac : Insertion automatique des signes diacritiques du français", Démonstrations de TALN2014, Marseille, 06/2014. pdf
Gotti, F., P. Langlais, and G. Lapalme, "Designing a Machine Translation System for Canadian Weather Warnings: a Case Study", Natural Language Engineering, vol. 20, issue 3: Cambridge University Press, pp. 399-433, 07/2014. pdf
